Maytus is a PhD researcher at The University of Manchester under the supervision of Dr. Wei Pan, Dr. Mingfei Sun and Dr. Mengmi Zhang (Nanyang Technological University and A*STAR). He is working on neuroscience-inspired learning with applications in robotics. His main research goals are: understand how brains computationally work and build intelligent machines that imitate how biological brains compute. He was awarded a PhD studentship by The University of Manchester and A*STAR.
He graduated from Imperial College London with a Master’s degree in Computing (AI and Machine Learning). He did the MSc project under the supervision of Prof. Andrew Davison from the Dyson Robotics Lab. Before that, he worked for 2 years as a pre-doctoral researcher at VISTEC with Dr. Theerawit Wilaiprasitporn and Dr. Nat Dilokthanakul.
PhD in Computer Science
The University of Manchester
MSc in Computing (AI and Machine Learning Specialism)
Imperial College London
BEng in Electrical Engineering
Chulalongkorn University